Saturday, December 13, 2008

Do you know how to tie your shoes?

I really like learning new things. It's a wonderful experience when those skills are actually useful, too! Like tying my shoes so the don't come untied! Did you know that Usain Bolt in his recent world-record breaking performance in the Olympics ran the end of the race with an untied shoelace? Lucky he didn't trip!

So for many years, I "solved my problem" by putting in double knots. UBU ! That's golf talk for "ugly but useful". Imagine my surprise when I saw this video on the home page of Runner's World recently:,8052,s6-4-0-4,00.html?ext=Y&videolink=http://link.brig

It really works! My shoes stayed tied all day! I used on my hockey skates and running shoes, too! No more double knots! Go ahead, paste it in and check it out! Or go to and look for it on the home page. Fascinating!

OK. You know I like to make spiritual connections, so here it goes: sometimes we were taught a certain way of thinking about God that just didn't "work"; it just kept coming "untied"! Now along comes a loving Father who teaches us the right way, and it works!

We are never too old to learn new ways! Just ask God to show you the way!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Come on in - the water's great!

I believe God is inviting us to come into His heart to quench our spiritual thirst. "Come on in!", He says. There we can be immersed, filled, and drink our fill of His amazing love. The "living waters" referred to by Jesus in the Bible are none other than the flowing love of the Father for the Son and the Son for the Father. They are so secure in their love that they invite us to join them... So, like the Samaritan woman at the well, lets ask for that "living water"! Come on in, the water's great!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm REALLY Thirsty!

Ever have that feeling of being really parched? Maybe after (or during...) a long run or game of tennis, you notice you're just not your best anymore. Muscles start to fatigue more quickly, breathing is harder, maybe your brain gets a bit foggy..... Time to rehydrate!

I believe that God wants us to recognize our need for him in our lives and "quench our thirst" by coming to Him in prayer. Don't know what to say? How about starting with "Lord, I want You, I need You, but I don't know how to get there. Please come and get me!" He promises to flood us with those "rivers of living water"!

Ahhh! Satisfying!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Be Strong and Very Courageous

The Book of Joshua begins with God telling Joshua to be strong and "very courageous". I was struck by the addition of very...Why? Isn't "courageous" enough???

As I read through the rest of the chapter, I began to see the point. Joshua was being asked to take a leadership role and accomplish something even Moses had not been able to do: take the people across the Jordan into the promised land, overcoming all resistance and all obstacles along the way. So, in my own life, when I am asked to do something hard or even frightening, do I avoid it or ask God for the strength and courage to do what He asks?

In Hebrews chapter 6 is the help I need. God loves me and fills me with strength and encouragement, so I may eagerly assume the task and imitate the saints of old, like Joshua. I am discovering that deep in the center of my heart are these great caverns which cry out to be filled with the person of God, and all that He desires for me. These "caverns" need to be lit up and cleaned out to make room for God. What a task....fortunately, one that the Holy Spirit loves to do, if we will but ask Him! Come Holy Spirit!

So, when you are afraid or exhausted or just weary, ask Him for the help and hope you need. He loves to help and fill you with His encouragement. Hope is a wonderful thing!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Challenge of Prayer

I don't know about you all, but I have always found growth in prayer difficult. It has been hard to move beyond rote prayers like the Our Father and written prayers like in the Liturgy of the Hours. Not that those are bad ways to pray, just that I sensed there was more....

I realized that most of my prayer was talking "at" God, not talking "with" God. You know what I mean, saying "God, help me do this or that; help this or that situation to work out; help this or that wayward son or daughter to find their way back to you...." Or even more impersonally, dropping a semi-command on God's doorstep and then running off: "God, you'd better get me out of this mess!" Again, very appropriate, and helpful at times ways to pray. God loves us so much, He answers and cares for us even if we don't ask politely or say the magic words, "Thank You!"

But recently I have come across the Ignatian model for praying with Holy Scripture, and I want to encourage and challenge you to try it for yourself. Goes something like this:

-select a passage of scripture (try Psalm 100)
-ask God to help you experience his personal and intimate love for you
-read the passage slowly, paying attention to each word
-listen to what your heart is feeling and
-read it again
-after a bit, write down what you believe God is saying or doing
-share it with someone if you like
-don't forget to say the magic words.....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Please Come to Boston in the Springtime

Anyone remember that old song by Dave Loggins? You can find the words if you google the line above.....

Anyway, here is a quiz for you all:

Finish this word association as many ways as you can: The Boston __________

OK a helpful hint (you knew it was coming didn't you?)

NOT the Red Sox, Creme Pie, Terrier, Globe, or even Baked Beans....

Give up? The Boston Marathon! Yep, old Dr F qualified today, breaking the required time by over 3 minutes! While I am a bit sore and walking slowly, I feel great! Overall, I finished in the top 7 % of all finishers. So, it's off to Boston "in the springtime".

I am grateful for all of your prayers (most of them were probably that I not kill myself!) and thankful for the privilege of testing my limits beyond what I thought I was capable of. I believe God meets us in that place and helps us, and later will be able to use that for the glory of His kingdom.

I hope and pray that you too will step out in faith to do what you didn't think you could do, asking God's blessing and protection. Try it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Five Days Until Marathon!

I have dedicated this, my first marathon, to the following causes:

1. My good friend Terri, who has been battling (and winning) against a difficult case of lymphoma.
2. My "Green Team" teammates, with whom I have endured miles of "hill repeats", many miles of sweaty long runs over 20 miles , and "speed workouts" at the U of M track.
3. To qualifying for the Boston Marathon.
4. For God's greater glory!

Why God's glory, you may ask?

God made me and "when ah rrhun, ah feehl His plezzure!'

I believe that challenging ourselves to go further makes us stronger. Going beyond our limits makes us face and overcome fear and adversity in ways that help in many areas of life.

And so, in my desire to please my Heavenly Father, and with a heart full of love for my family and friends, I go forth to run the Detroit Free Press Marathon Sunday AM October 19. I would appreciate your prayers! Lord, help me!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Value of Endurance Sports

Why do I enjoy training and completing in endurance sports?

10. Since I am most definitely not getting any faster, I have to beat the rest of you by going further.

9. You get to buy interesting stuff, like heart rate monitors and cycle computers.

8. Burns a lot of calories - you get to eats lots of yummy things!

7. A way to justify spandex, sort of.

6. Building endurance in one area of life naturally spills over to other areas, like work and prayer.

5. Wonderful energy food like "gu" and "power bars", along with "Cytomax" and plain old chocolate milk.

4. A way to make that spandex look good:)

3. No excuses left NOT to exercise.

2. Growth in prayer - Lord, please help me!

1. Prepares and helps us to run the race of growing in faith.